11 Jul 2017

PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo" is in the fairway of progressive changes

A round table discussion "Small business and micro grids: new players on the electricity market" was held at the conference hall of the Service Center of PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo". The stimulus for this event became recently adopted law "About the Electricity Market", which creates the preconditions for the emergence of new entities in the national energy market and better regulation of the operation of electrical micro grids.

The co-organizers of the event were RPR expert, the Head of community projects of the PO Greenсubator Andriy Zinchenko, the Chairman of All-Ukrainian Investment and Sustainable Development Agency Yulia Usenko, Senior Associate, the Head of Energy Practice of ILF company Ivan Bondarchuk — have presented to the audience the best experience of the developed countries that allows to combine the interests of the ex-monopolies with business-models and opportunities of small participants on the electricity market, prosumers, co-owners of micro grids.

Acting CEO of PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo" Oleh Kozachuk and the Deputy Director of Technical Energy Audit Petro Lutsiv participated in the discussion of urgent issues of the development of the electricity market of Ukraine. They expressed their own vision of the issues of electrical micro grids and alternative energy.

Press service of PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo"
