17 September 2024
Ukrainian Distribution Grids met with GE Vernova to discuss cooperation

25 March 2021
In 2020 Khmelnytskoblenergo contributed almost 0.5 billion UAH to the state budget in taxes and dividends

11 March 2021
Due to inaction of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, 100 million UAH of dividends to the state have to be postponed indefinitely

01 March 2021
State owned Khmelnytskoblenergo increased net profit 70,3%, salaries grew 40% in 2020 YoY

03 December 2020
Khmelnytskoblenergo finished 1st in the rating of the Slovak Institute for Economic and Social Reforms (INEKO) based on the "Activity" ratio

30 November 2020
Khmelnytskoblenergo and South Korea’s KT Corporation will collaborate on Smart Grid technologies implementation