24 Jul 2014

The economic effect of the implementation of the National Plan for Energy Efficiency until 2020 in Ukraine is estimated to be 2.4 trillion UAH - expert


Developed in 2012, the project of the National Action Plan for the introduction of energy efficiency and development of renewable energy sources (RES) for the period up to 2020 involves the modernization of housing and communal services at a cost in the region of 800 billion UAH will result in efficiencies of about 2.4 trillion UAH.

These figures were announced by the president of the Association for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving, Oleg Kozachuk, during a round table discussion entitled "Who will take responsibility for the implementation of the energy efficiency program in Ukraine?" which was held in Kyiv on Thursday.

"According to the National Action Plan, which we have developed and is awaiting approval, by 2020 we must invest about 800 billion UAH in housing and communal services, these investments should be in measures such as thermal modernization and energy efficiency, but the economic effect by 2020 of this investment will be in the region of 2.4 trillion UAH" he said.

At the same time Kozachuk noted that the approved "State Targeted Economic Program of Energy Efficiency for 2010-2015" was already 100% completed by 2012: 800 million UAH was disbursed, of which 500 million UAH came from the state budget and the remaining 300 million UAH from the European Union.

"In all other years, this is a 30% implementation of this state target program," said Kozachuk,  the president of the association. According to him one of the first steps towards the successful implementation of energy efficiency measures in Ukraine is the equipping of 100% of enterprises and consumers with energy meters. "Secondly, we must conduct a mass audit of energy use, and thirdly we should introduce an institute of energy management," he added.

According to Kozachuk, in terms of share of total energy consumption in Ukraine, about 40% is taken up by industry, another 30% is used by housing and communal services, 15% goes to transport and the remainder is used by other consumers.

Therefore, instead of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving (Gosenergoefektivnosti), which has been in operation since 2011 and is subordinated to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, a single state body should be established to implement energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy, Kozachuk advises.

In addition, following the example of a pilot project implemented in Kyiv, it is necessary to introduce a mechanism for providing energy services to institutions of the country's budget sphere on the basis of relevant agreements with energy service companies, he added.

According to Kozachuk, it is also necessary to finalize the definition of mechanisms for the introduction of energy efficiency and adopt the draft law "On energy efficiency of buildings."

The president of the association stressed that a precondition for the successful implementation of energy efficiency measures in Ukraine is the immediate adoption of the existing or revised draft of the National Action Plan for the implementation of energy efficiency and RES development, along with other legislative and organisational initiatives.

As reported previously the National Action Plan for the introduction of energy efficiency and development of renewable energy for the period up to 2020 was developed by Gosenergoefektivnosti in 2012.

According to Gosenergoefektivnosti, the implementation of this National Plan involves a general increase in energy efficiency of Ukraine's economy by 20% and an increase in the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption to 12%.
