02 Mar 2017

Two visits - lots of perspectives

IMG_2650Recently the delegation from PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo" headed by acting CEO Oleg Kozachuk visited Poland. The main purpose of the visit was to receive progressive experience in the implementing of Smart Grid technology in electric grids. The visit was organized by the invitation of Polish party - namely Mazowiecki Klaster ICT.

During their stay in Poland Khmelnytsky power engineers had a number of meetings with representatives of the Mazowiecki and Eastern Klasters, large electricity supplying company «Tauron». Also they were demonstrated a pilot project "Smart Wroclaw", where are widely used American intelligent electricity meters.

As the IT director of PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo" Ruslan Slobodyan has stated, there are ongoing negotiations between Polish, American and Ukrainian parties about further promotion of "smart grid technologies" to the East and implementation of the pilot project on the basis of PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo." The technical and economic study is being developed. In the first stage there were planned to install nearly 40 000 smart meters. Providing successful implementation of this project such experience must be extended to the entire company "Khmelnytskoblenergo" and other power distribution companies in Ukraine.

Another business visit that may have a positive effect for PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo" was a trip of group of the company’s specialists to Dortmund (Germany) - to participate in the international electro technical exhibition "Messe Elektrotechnik 2017". At this prestigious exhibition Khmelnytsky power engineers presented the product of the scientific and production laboratory of the company. In particular - the mobile laboratory for calibration of current and voltage transformers, which is now successfully used in PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo"n and other energy supplying companies in Ukraine and abroad.

The visitors appreciated the unique characteristics of mobile laboratory, such as high accuracy of measurements at relatively low cost. Besides making contacts with European companies, experts of PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo" received valuable information about ways of further improvement of their scientific and technical products according to the expectations of European consumers.

Press service of PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo"
